Are you there God? It's me, Amy...

Hello!  It's been awhile.  I started out putting this as a FB post and realized that wasn't going to work as I really needed to dump some thoughts and refocus.  This last year has been a rough one for me personally.  Work has been so busy, school just got out, and all three kids are doing sports.  We are coaching and running in 3 different directions! 

I have fallen back into bad habits of no sleep, putting exercise aside and letting my crazy life lead my schedule.  One of weaknesses I have always had is putting myself to the back burner...I think it might be genetic (thanks mom😊).

Daily routine and exercise have fallen to the wayside partly due to our crazy schedules of having kids in activities and Scott leaving at 6 am/working 30 minutes away and my work life being in high demand. I guess I could continue with my list of excuses on "why", but in end it comes back to what a lot of parents/moms struggle with...guilt free time to themselves...and, let's face it, I'm the default parent. 

I know plenty of people who make time for themselves daily, weekly, monthly or yearly...whether thru exercise, friend trips, non-kid vacations...but I struggle with this.  I grew up in a large family on farm so we worked all hands on deck with our daily chores.  The only time you got out of chores was if you were in activities and we didn't take vacations because we had pig chores that had to be done.  I have really had trouble making it to the gym unless I'm scheduled.  In truth, part of it has been because my business has become more successful and being self-employed, it's hard to turn down an opportunity for growth and more money.  I really like working out in group settings and I love Farrell's, but if I miss out on time to make to the 8:45 or 11:30 class (why can't there be a 2 pm or 3 pm class time anywhere!!!???)...then I can't go to any other time because we've got stuff going on...and if we don't, then we are enjoying having dinner as a family and catching up on house work.

I know what I need to do to fix it...I need to hire a maid, full time nanny, assistant, personal trainer and clone myself and I would be set to go!  Ha ha!  In true reality, all of it is attainable if I set some goals...particularly one to start with, and stick to it.  I miss my morning sitters I have during the school year from 6:30 am - 8:30 am because it gives me my "me time" so that I can go to the gym before my day starts.

One day the chaos will slow down and I'll wonder what to do with myself...until then...a good quote by Michelle Obama on a working mom.  "Let's be honest, the guilt never goes away," she said.  "But what I've had to learn is you're not being a bad mom because you're pursuing some of your dreams and as women we have give ourselves permission to be fulfilled on our own."


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