Our Family is a circle of strength and love. With every birth and union it grows. Every crisis faced together makes the circle stronger

The title of this blog is really meaningful to the 1st half of 2013....

It's been awhile since i posted so i apologize as life keeps getting by me too fast!  To bring you up to speed on why life has been so crazy and where we are to date...i felt blogging would be the great way for me to have an outlet of my emotions i would not normally post on FB.  We started off the year celebrating our Sieren Xmas at our house in January.  here is a pic of Gpa and Gma Sieren with their crazy next generation offspring (aka Grandkids).  

On February 9th, Mom and Dad (and family) came up to celebrate the twins 2nd bday.  Dad ended up falling down our stairs and breaking 4 - 5 posterior ribs...after a trip to the ER in Cedar Rapids he was sent home to our basement with pain pills.  From there things got worse with pain and mobility and ended up reaching out to the local hospital back home to admit dad for pain management.  ultimately, every bad thing that could happen because of broke ribs happened and we almost lost my dad.  on February 18th Dad suffered a major stroke and his resolved A-fib came back.  He was extremely sick with pneumonia and had a severe bruised lung.  After he stabilized on February 24th, mom and i decided to move Dad up to Mercy in Iowa City to be closer to his heart doctor and get the best care he could receive from a hospital who could handle his medical needs.
Adam feeding Gpa Ice Cream at Mercy...he knew that would make his owies better.

Mercy then kept us until March 4th where they decided although his pneumonia was not resolved dad needed to be in a rehab facility immediately to start working with therapists as Dad's stroke had affected the part of the brain so that his brain was not recognizing his left side of his body.  The St. Luke's rehab facility was amazing...staff and all.  Dad's health and physical being improved tremendously and they were able to give us a better idea of what our future would be...obviously not the same.  Here are some fun pics of Adam with dad.
Gpa had been asking for a snuggle buddy and Adam was the only one would fit:)

Gpa Ron and Adam enjoying some dinner together at St. Luke rehab

After about 3 weeks, it was time for Dad to move down to a Rehab to Home facility in Wellman, Ia where he will be until end of June or early July.  Here is the most recent pic of Dad and mom at our last visit.

It's been a trying time for all of us emotionally...especially for mom and dad. They are best friends and never really apart...to spend the last 3 months not being able to share the same bed breaks my heart...i just keep thinking and wondering how i can help the hurt, but there is nothing...i was so angry in the beginning of all of this at the hospital for not admitting him at the ER...emotional that my mom has has not left his side since except the last month and half to go back to work, even then driving back and forth each weekend to stay with dad.  My parents have always been there for us kids..if not financially, always time and love.  Which means more than i can ever say.  I get sad when i think that things will never be the same...but i also think, what if Dad hadn't made it and then it's time to get positive again.  Dad is making huge strides in getting some sensation back in his left side...and ideally will be walking out of the rehab facility with a walker.  i am amazed at all the visitors dad has had and how who my parents have been and how they've treated and helped others really shows thru during this time.  

I am currently working some friends of mom and dad's back in FF to put together a fundraiser/benefit to help with the medical expenses/loss of income/handicap equipment/vehicle.  It's crazy to think that two people who have worked hard their whole lives have to worry about these things...but I have faith in God and what is good...and that everything will be alright.  

The plan is for dad to move into our basement from the rehab center (funny how that circled around) and work on selling off stuff at the farm.  Scott and i are going to work on getting the basement "dad-proofed" so he has all the room he needs and facilities needed  to move around safely.  Mom and i joked we'll get him practiced up on folding laundry:)  Dad is in good spirits as he figures is this was just a way to get him to retire earlier:).  I want to thank my husband for being supportive in this and always be my right hand man when helping family out.  I want thank my friends and family that have visited my dad in all the hospitals...it has made a huge difference in his spirits...he's got to talk to someone!  and lastly, i want to thank my mom for being the selfless person she always has been and going above and beyond being my dad's advocate and loving him in sickness and in health.  If you see her around give her a big hug...she's been giving a lot of love out lately and just want to make sure her love tank is filling up as well. 

"Someday everything will all make perfect sense.  So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason"...this is the quote that i feel i need to remember every once in awhile in this crazy little thing called life.  Stop worrying about all the "little" things and learn to love what God has given and go with what flow your life is taking you and be there for those that need it even if it's only for a short while.  



  1. I want you for MY daughter! You are a jewel, my dear, a true jewel. Please give me your address - the least I can do for a cousin is give some $$. I know all about hard times and can totally relate. Love, your Sieren cousin in Oregon


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