House full of chaos and love!

So after reading others blogs, i'm feeling inspired to share my thoughts and stories to bring everyone up to date. Twins turned 9 months today and that's really made me sad to think that they are only 3 months to a year...when Adam turned a year he seemed like such a "big" boy.

I really do believe our two new additions made Scott and I realize even more how much love we have to give and share and that having more in our family suits us. It is crazy, don't get me wrong...and working from home while watching 3 kids (and a dog) and keeping up on housework is HARD! I sometimes wonder what i am going to do when i have time to myself. Or what it will feel like to be okay with being gone more than 3 hours during the day. I often times feel guilty leaving all 3 kids with anyone...let alone Scott as I'm used to the chaos and feel "guilty" having others be submerged in it.

Our family has been wonderful helping out on the weekends to give Scott and I "us" time. I don't think we'll ever be far away from family as it helps us way too much in not going insane:)

My co-workers have been INCREDIBLE at being patient with me and my inconsistent days of kids and their schedules...yet allowing me to help provide for our home while taking care of my kids and not missing out on the "small stuff".

My husband has been incredibly patient with me and making sure i remember to shower through out the week (in all seriousness!) and remember to get out of the house occasionally for something other than groceries and running to the bank.

I think what i've realized the most is all the little things people did that had such a huge impact and i want to make sure i can give back as well. Being a giving person in actions and time seems so easy and not something that should be praised...but it is truly a character trait that comes naturally to some...similar to having a positive attitude. No gifts or money (okay...with 3 kids in diapers maybe:)) could take place of what people gave us in our time of need this past year...and i thank all and hope i can pay it forward always.

Here's to hoping 2012 is even better than the years before!


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