
Showing posts from 2013

The life of a stay at home mom and 3 toddlers...

Tonight is a good night to post my feelings on staying at home/working at home with 3 toddlers.  It is pure chaos...and a love/hate relationship:)  this weather has just been hard on all of us...they need to run off energy and i need some sunshine and space to myself.  Staying at home has been the hardest thing i have ever's constant mess, screaming, laughing, touching, diaper changing, chore doing, lecturing, hugging...and there are days when i am not at my best at it...those are the days when i wish there was someone i could bring in for 1 hour just to get my bearings.  the constant guilt that i'm not giving everyone what they need, including myself.  I honestly would not change it for anything and i have to remind myself of that. Adam will be 4 in July and is becoming a much better helper around the house.  The twins will be 2 1/2 in August.  Alli likes to do whatever Adam does (except pick up:)) so she is working on potty training an...

Our Family is a circle of strength and love. With every birth and union it grows. Every crisis faced together makes the circle stronger

The title of this blog is really meaningful to the 1st half of 2013.... It's been awhile since i posted so i apologize as life keeps getting by me too fast!  To bring you up to speed on why life has been so crazy and where we are to date...i felt blogging would be the great way for me to have an outlet of my emotions i would not normally post on FB.  We started off the year celebrating our Sieren Xmas at our house in January.  here is a pic of Gpa and Gma Sieren with their crazy next generation offspring (aka Grandkids).   On February 9th, Mom and Dad (and family) came up to celebrate the twins 2nd bday.  Dad ended up falling down our stairs and breaking 4 - 5 posterior ribs...after a trip to the ER in Cedar Rapids he was sent home to our basement with pain pills.  From there things got worse with pain and mobility and ended up reaching out to the local hospital back home to admit dad for pain management.  ultimately, every bad thing that coul...