
Showing posts from September, 2010

Rocking out to some Mickey Mouse Club House

Long overdue update on the Strasburgers!

So...I knew i would eventually run out of steam but I didn't think it would be this soon:) Honestly, i was waiting to post again until we made the announcement we are having twins sometime in February 2011. We found out quite early (6 wks 6 days prego) that we were expecting twins...but wanted to wait to post anything until we had our 11 week check up that all was well. Needless to say, 11 weeks came and went and now I'm finally updating. It was hard to post anything during that time as that was pretty much what had overtaken Scott and I's mind once we found out we were expanding our family to 5 in less than 2 years. A lot of changes happening as we traded in my suv for a minivan, put our house on the market (send us good vibes!) and Scott recently put in his 2 weeks at his current employer to join another company in the transportation business in downtown CR. Excited for all the new opportunities coming our way and just hoping we can all hang on for this crazy ride. ...