Showing posts from 2010
Long overdue update on the Strasburgers!
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So...I knew i would eventually run out of steam but I didn't think it would be this soon:) Honestly, i was waiting to post again until we made the announcement we are having twins sometime in February 2011. We found out quite early (6 wks 6 days prego) that we were expecting twins...but wanted to wait to post anything until we had our 11 week check up that all was well. Needless to say, 11 weeks came and went and now I'm finally updating. It was hard to post anything during that time as that was pretty much what had overtaken Scott and I's mind once we found out we were expanding our family to 5 in less than 2 years. A lot of changes happening as we traded in my suv for a minivan, put our house on the market (send us good vibes!) and Scott recently put in his 2 weeks at his current employer to join another company in the transportation business in downtown CR. Excited for all the new opportunities coming our way and just hoping we can all hang on for this crazy ride. ...
book time with Grandpa Sieren...
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I had to give some air-time to my dad "grandpa Sieren". He is tickled by all the new things Adam shows him when my parents come to visit. This was a little reading time with Adam's new "favorite" book. He knows where his belly button is and where your nose don't get your face too close and say "nose" or he'll be more than willing to show you.
Yummy cake! Adam's 1st bday
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Adam's birthday party was huge success. I made and decorated my first cake for him to destroy and my sister Stacie made some delicious cupcakes for everyone to enjoy. We had a great turnout and sunny, although extremely warm weather. Aunt Danielle, cousin Bridget, Aunt Stacie and Aunt Abby, cousins Jackson and Payton and both sets of grandparents were able to join amongst some friends and neighbors. The kids all had a blast running in the back yard and the food was delicious. I was impressed on how well humored ADam stayed through it all as he never got too overwhelmed and was fine when Scott and I weren't around. Looking forward to see all the other pics other people took as I'm horrible at it:) Still hard to believe he's going to be one. where did the time go? Scott and I know we're blessed with a good little boy who is happy and loves us as much as we love him. Take care to all and have a great 4th of July weekend!
Adam's new ride...
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Now I must say...I definitely have my dad's love for sales but normally am not able go or don't as i end up buying stuff I don't need:)...but today I saw a sign for a garage sale in my neighborhood and picked upa a new ride for Mr. Adam. I wasn't sure what he'd think of it as he gets bored easily with toys at the moment and prefers to entertain himself, and he loved it! He was having fun "steering" and since his feet don't touch the ground it was very easy to push him around. The video quality isn't great since it's done from my phone, but you get the jist. We headed in due to the constant storming that seems to be the trend in Iowa this week:) I'm okay as long as it's done before the 4th of July weekend:)
belly laughs
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Preparing for Adam's 1st birthday is a lot more work than I thought...not just the planning, but the realization that I can't say i have a baby anymore as I have an "almost" toddler. I will thing Adam has had since he was of a very young age is a belly laugh. He is constantly entertaining and laughing. We are blessed with a happy and stubborn boy. He wants to do it all his own way so walking hasn't been an issue. If he falls...he hops right up and starts going again. I have been watching a 15 month old named Max 2 days a week while his daycare gal is on maternityleave...what a treat!!! He and Adam get a long great and he's been great to see what Adam will be doing in the months ahead. I am sad that he will be done in 2 weeks:( A couple weekends ago we went on our first boating trip with Adam outside the womb:) Last time we were on a boat was exactly a year ago and Nate was sure he was going to make me go into labor. Adam did great! He loved the water...
Adam Walkin
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As Scott and I try to prepare ourselves for Adam actually can't. It's so much fun! I love watching him figure things out on his own and be so brave to take those steps...although sometimes he's a little too brave. He loves doing pat-a-cake and even has his own version of the rolling and patting. Still not sure I'm ready for this 1st birthday...mentally i'm fine but every day, every month is flying by and we can't quite catch up:) Everyone tells you that the first year flies by but you don't really know what they are talking about until it happens to you. Scott and i just celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversay and our conversation was a lot on how fast time has gone by and how lucky we are to have our family and our son. He is truly the apple of our eye...and sometimes the pain in our rear:) I think he gets that from his daddy!
Our first haircut...(sad face from mom)
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Scott and I took Adam for his first haircut last night and he did great!!! The hairstylist thought he was 15 or 16 months vs. the 10 1/2 months that he is. He sat still on my lap and only occasionally looked up at the gal while she talked to me. The baby curls are gone and now we have a big boy! I've attached the before and's amazing how long his neck looks now. Scott and I were quite proud of how well he did. I have saved the curls in a little ziplock bag and must admit it is nice to know that we can wake him up from a nap and not have to spray his mini-fro down before we go anywhere:)
Fast track to 2010
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9 month photo 6 month photo 3 month photo Newborn pic 36 weeks pregnant So I decided it was about time I start a blog so that I can keep everyone updated that doesn't have Facebook:) Life has gone by very fast since we got married and had Adam last summer. We are now preparing for his 1st birthday which means this mama's got a lot of planning to do for his first b-day! We are also going to be taking Adam to get his first haircut. I've held off until now (against Scott's opinion) because I felt like I already had a toddler sized baby and to give him a "big boy" haircut would only make that all the more real. His curls are now out of control so we are taking him this week. Between teething, growing pains, attempting to walk, and pulling out every drawer and cabinet...Adam is keeping me super busy...sometimes i just lose track of what day/time it is. But i wouldn't change it for the world. I am going to attempt to do these updates a couple times a mont...